Maximize "Your" Marriage Ministry

This Ministry was founded by Bett & Stephanie Harvey after putting Christ first in their marriage. Their goal is to help men and women independently in their walk with Christ and build their Relationship with Jesus. This, in return, will help their marriages have a stronger foundation for generations to come. The ultimate goal is to share the Gospel to men and women everywhere, to be the Kingdom builders with a strong foundation for the love of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision
Is to see every man and woman have a personal encounter, with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that
changes them forever. To give each attending man and woman an opportunity to create, strengthen and
expand His/Her personal relationship with Jesus and become the man or woman God created him to be.
About Us
This is a non-denominational, 501C3 Ministry.
We are not apart of a church. We are here to win souls. To share the love of Christ... to share the Gospel... We are NOT here to take people away from their own churches, but to help build unity in churches. We are here to embody the Kingdom.
This ministry is an umbrella of...
Men's Encounter North
Women's Encounter North
Maximized Manhood
Unique Women
M.E.N. Battleground
& when needed other events

Our Mission
Being firmly rooted in God’s Word and established in His love, we are compelled to provide men and women, that God is calling, with an opportunity to have a personal Encounter with Jesus Christ. By holding true to the Biblical truths of the Trinity of God; that God is our Father in Heaven, that Jesus is God’s only begotten Son whom He Love’s and sent to pay the price for our sin, and the Holy Spirit whom the Father sends to us as comforter, counselor, and helper until Jesus returns. Through the moving testimonies of men and women whose lives have forever been changed by the Good News, of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We set the table for men and women called by God to come in and sup with Him. Men and Women in different walks of life:
- Non-believers being called for the first time to repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and God’s infinite Mercy and Grace
- Luke-warm believers who have fallen away from God and His church, who are being
calling to rekindle their relationship with Jesus and the men and women they were created to be
- Strong beliefs, who God desires to set on fire and equip to send back to their families, churches, and into the world to make an eternal difference spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and creating disciples of men and women